Open Notepad, spare the document with a name like "Aweber watchwords for articles.txt". Tap on the main article in the rundown of most saw articles in the course of the most recent 90 days. In the body of the article, Right-snap and after that select "View Page Source". On the off chance that you look a couple lines down, you'll see that watchwords that the writer used to label this article. Duplicate and glue those catchphrases into Notepad.
Close the window with the page source. In your program, retreat to the rundown and get the catchphrases for alternate articles in the "Most saw" rundown and the "Most Published" rundown. Presently when you take a gander at these arrangements of watchwords, you ought to see a few catchphrases that are normal to every one of them. These are great watchwords for you to use to tag your articles with. You ought to have 3-10 catchphrases that have been utilized as a part of the greater part of the most prevalent articles. Between this rundown and your rundown from your exploration at SEO Digger and Word Tracker, you now have a few decent watchwords to utilize. Concentrate on these for your labels for the articles and for use in the feature and the body.
There is a term called "watchword thickness" which implies what rate of your article words are catchphrases. There are a wide range of conclusions on this, yet you'll be protected with 2-3%. In clearer terms, on the off chance that you have a 500 word article with a 2% catchphrase thickness, you'd utilize your keyword(s) 10 times all through the article. You do need some catchphrase thickness, yet ensure that regardless it peruses well. Try not to escape that it sounds like junk.